ENCHANTED, the world of dizzell

ENCHANTED is a feeling of great liking for something wonderful and unusual. It acts as a magical spell on someone who is 'enchanted'. In the same way 'DIZZELL'....., who loves to be in a dreamy world and waits for a Prince come in her life. She is as delicate as 'tender' and as beautiful as a 'flower' with fragrance.... Anybody who see her, get enchanted by her beauty. The way she dresses up her clothes, all added to her beauty... She loves everyone and enraptures everyone by her beauty. Her garments were especially made of a lot of beautiful material in the world which made her look like Goddess. She wear garments that are highly imaginative and mesmerizing. Her garments has a lot of drapes and are very colorful. 

My client Dizzell loves to wear attires with dreamy appearance with soft fabrics and imagines them to get in reality. Now you can see her imagination.... Theme board will follow the designs.